Why Use Skip a Payment?
元素 Financial的“跳过付款”(Skip a Payment)福利允许您选择一个月不支付贷款,而不会被视为拖欠. Skip a Payment allows you to:
- Free up cash
- Plan a vacation
- Cover unexpected expenses
- 你决定!
你必须持有至少12个月的贷款才有资格申请跳过, and it must have a minimum monthly payment of $100. 此外,你所有的要素信用合作社帐户必须在良好的信誉. Once you have exercised Skip a Payment or had a deferral on a loan, that loan may be eligible again in 12 months.
Eligible 元素 loans include:
- 汽车贷款
- RV, 船, and ATV 贷款
- Unsecured Signature 贷款
- EZ Lines of Credit
跳过付款请求必须在贷款到期日之前不少于7天收到. 使用此功能时,每笔消费者贷款将收取30元的费用,该费用将加到您的贷款余额中. 在你的贷款余额中增加的费用将影响你未来的每月还款义务.
Once you have exercised Skip a Payment or had a deferral on a loan, that loan may be eligible again in 12 months.
Request to Skip a Payment
Fill out the form below to request to skip a loan payment.